James Hakewill

   Hakewill toured Jamaica in 1820 to 1821.

His works were published in England in 1825.

     Some of Hakewill's works give glimpses, among the great houses and sugar works, of ordinary Jamaicans and their lives in the 1820s; those will be the ones on this page.

      The view of Harbour Street and the people on it is my favourite Hakewill!

Waterfall on the Windward Road

Holland Estate, St Thomas-in-the-East

In Spanish Town

King's House  - - - - - -                                        Rodney Memorial    - - - - - -                   House of Assembly
King's House - - - - - - Rodney Memorial - - - - - - House of Assembly

               . . . . and the old upside-down cannons!

      Can anyone tell me what the piece of furniture is the man is leaning on??  A large portable wicker chair??

The Bog Walk.

Clarendon - Whitney Estate

St Thomas-in-the-Vale from                  Mount Diablo.

Spring Garden Estate, St. George’s.

Port Maria, St. Mary’s.

Llanrumny Estate, St. Mary's.

Trinity Estate, St. Mary’s.

Montego Bay from Reading Hill.

Haughton Court, Hanover.

Bridge, over the White River, St. Mary’s.