Zithri Atkinson

     Ì first saw references to Zithri Atkinson some forty years ago while I was working on my thesis on Robert Love, the doctor/journalist/politician in Jamaica from 1890 to 1914. I always hoped that I would see more about him somewhere. Now I am trying to bring together what I can find, so that this early modern Jamaican artist has some place, however small, in the island's story.

Daily Gleaner, July 1, 1897

Jamaica Post

      July 18, 1899                              

                                                 NATIVE TALENT

Jamaican makes Crayon Enlargements from Photographs and Drawings.

    Jithri J. Atkinson, a young Jamaican, residing at No. 47 Maiden Lane, Kingston, called at the DAILY TELEGRAPH office yesterday and showed a really excellent specimen of crayon enlargement, executed by himself from a cabinet photograph.  Mr. Atkinson is self-taught; and he has turned out many beautiful pieces of work, in which the display of artistic skill is highly creditable, and for which he has obtained fair remuneration in appreciation of his skill.  The picture which was shown yesterday represented an Italian mother with a babe in her arms; and seemed indeed a difficult job.  There were also shown some splendid collections of wood engraving, sketches, stamps, monograms, etc., which had been executed by the unaided efforts of Mr. Atkinson; and these also do him high credit.  This young man is the same who gained the prize at the Eisteddfod competitions at the Institute some time ago for freehand drawing and drawing from light and shade.

        Mr. Atkinson also does good work in the way of window decorations; and he can be recommended to those who need the services of a skillful, intelligent draughtsman, engraver, decorator or picture-painter.

Daily Gleaner, August 3, 1899


Daily Gleaner, February 11, 1931

A SHARK CAUGHT AT SAV-LA-MAR recently by Constable Garvis of the Water police station. It measured 7 feet 6 inches, and put up a stiff fight before it was captured.

Photo by Atkinson Sav-la-Mar


Daily Gleaner, January 9, 1932

THE POLICE GUARD OF HONOUR under the command of Inspector F. N. Miles and Sergeant-Major Clarke, which received H. E. the Governor, Sir Edward Stnbbs, G.C.M.G., and party, on their arrival at the Sav-la-Mar Court House on Saturday afternoon, the 2nd January. . . . His Excellency received addresses from various bodies welcoming him to the parish, and he, in turn, thanked the different organisations for their cordial welcome.


The picture was taken by Mr. Jethri Atkinson, artist and photographer of Savanna-la -Mar.

Daily Gleaner, April 7, 1932

THE NEW BAPTIST CHAPEL AT TOWN HEAD which was opened and dedicated to the service of Almighty God on Easter Monday. The new structure takes the place of the former building which was destroyed by 1912 Hurricane. A portion of the crowd is seen standing in front of the sacred Edifice. They are very joyful for the new building. The new church is an ornament to the community. Over 400 persons attended the opening ceremony. 


Photo by Zethri Atkinson.

Daily Gleaner, April 28, 1938. 


Things You Must Look For. 

The new freedom which Carl. Abrahams has put into his work . . . . The little portrait in pencil of a girl by D. Aiken, a most charming. bit of work . . . . The peaceful and. quiet landscape of the Darliston country by Z. J. Atkinson.