Daily Gleaner, February 12, 1880
It is a circumstance, then, on which Kingston may be congratulated, that a Soap Factory on an extensive scale is about
to be established in this city, the proprietor of the premises known as Matcham's Foundry being busy with, and preparing for, the erection of a steam apparatus, and its attendant
plant, capable of making four hundred boxes of soap weekly. The materials for the manufacture will arrive from America in all March, by which time the machinery, to be turned out
by Mr. Lazarus, will be complete, his contract for it engaging to deliver at that date. Here, also, we find another point to rest on with gratification, seeing that a native
machinist and native artisans are equal to a demand upon their skill as manufacturers of machinery of this nature. No matter that this colony has been somewhat backward hitherto.
Kingston at this moment comes to the front for honorable mention, and the public will go with us in heartily wishing success to Mr. Middleton and all concerned with him in his
Daily Gleaner, April 22, 1880 PAROCHIAL BOARDS:
The Municipal board
Mr. J. W. Middleton agrees, with thanks, to the terms of the Board, touching the erection of his Soap Factory at Matcham's Foundry.
[The first of Kingston's great 19th century fires, in 1843, had originated in Matcham's Foundry.]
The first major crisis to face the new business was the hurricane which
hit the island on August 18, 1880.